I can help with:

  • Clarifying financial dreams

  • Understanding spending patterns

  • Reviewing all financial obligations

  • Assessing financial and insurance needs

  • Defining a spending plan

  • Understanding their emotional profile related to money

  • Building margin for savings and emergency funds

  • Adopting strategies for attacking debt

  • Referring recommended financial advisors to multiply tomorrow

Below are some of the various categories of people I serve:

Young Starters

I love the unique experience in working with a blank slate. Young starters can make a huge difference in their future if they start off right, with the right tools and a right emotional mindset. Because I began in my early childhood years making financial plans, I know you are never too young to get a grip on your financial tomorrow. 

Single Parents

Single parents have so many responsibilities and face many challenges. I have heart-motivations to come along side single-parents to be a support, encourage and hold the vision with them of a financially successful tomorrow. I have worked with many single parents, and together we were able to find solutions and successes that went beyond what they thought was possible.  

Everyday People

You may not feel you fit in any special category. You imagine yourself as a common everyday person who wants uncommon dreams, but you don’t know how to get there. Research shows that most millionaires became millionaires while being in common everyday professional roles. They simply had the advantage of learning financial techniques and strategies, harnessing the emotional drivers that hold others back, and they broke through to the uncommon accumulations of wealth. If you are a common, everyday person, you are ripe for something uncommon. I have worked with many everyday people helping them experience a someday dream. 

Pastors and Church Staff

My husband and I have pastored churches and ministries for over 30 years. Our para-church organization, Red Ink Revival (redinkrevival.com) serves to care for the souls of pastors/spouses and mentor in everything from organizational strategies, to family disruptions, to emotional injuries. Our team of psychologists, therapists, college professors and tenured pastors has strengthened hundreds of pastors around the world. One of the greatest stress points for ministry couples can be around personal finances. There are many unique features that blur lines between a pastors/spouse money investment into church friends, special days, gifts, meals, etc. I have decades of service on the Board of Directors and am a CFO for a church and ministries. Helping ministry friends navigate their unique personal financial dreams is a significant part of my calling. I can help you rediscover you, redeem life and redream ministry. 

High Income Professionals

Many high-income professionals have reputations of successfully managing billions of dollars in corporate roles, yet struggle in financial chaos at home. From professional athletes, to doctors, to CEO’s, to lottery winners and family inheritors, statistics show a trend towards bankruptcy. 78% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress in just two years after retirement. Three other career professionals with highest bankruptcy rates are medical doctors, financial investment advisors and celebrities. The problem isn’t “more income.” This is where I come in. Whether the issues are from exorbitant college debts, having unnecessary contractors on payroll, or using gift purchases to cover for relationship injuries, I can help. I can help structure plans, and get to the core of emotional spending, give tools for relationship management, and ultimately reset high-income performers for increasing their wealth, rather than losing it. If this resonates with your present situation, sign up for a free consultation and let’s see what I can do to help you win the day.

 Your Next Steps

  1. FREE CONSULTATION:  Schedule a free consultation – Try for Free.

  2. HIRE MY SERVICES:  If you hire my services, we will set up an appointment to go over your financials, assess your dreams, spending patterns, financial obligations, discover emotional limiters, create a spending plan and set you on path to have big wins.

  3. CONTINUED COACHING:  Many clients like to have periodic check-ins to help them stay emotionally motivated, and to tweak patterns along the way. This is customized to each client’s needs and desires.